Baroness du Grenouille breathed a sigh of wonderment mixed
with relief as her sumptuous coach rattled through the Westernpoort
Gate. The journey had been so tiresome; the road over the Pale
Sisters had been long and extremely uncomfortable; and she felt
emotionally high strung anyway. Just thinking back to that dreadful,
pallid summer afternoon, looking up from the bed to see her brother's
face at the door and ... no it was too horrible to contemplate
yet again. With the words 'family shame' reverberating through
her skull, she had dashed onto the nearest coach, determined
once and for all to get away from the petty quibblings of a few
poxy Breton Lords, who seemed hell bent on restricting her lesiure
time. Looking out of the window she gasped - Brionne was beautiful,
in a small town kind of way - but Marienburg, Marienburg was
something else entirely. Once she found her cousin she knew she
was going to have such fun. SUCH fun ...
About three or four years ago, after the publication of the
Marienburg Articles in WD, I started slowly designing other locations
in what I think is the Old World's most intriguing city. I mentioned
the project on the WFRP mailing list, and asked for contributions,
but not many people seemed interested, perhaps because there
was no supporting website, or because the project was going to
be in hard copy or ... ? However, with the soon to be released
Official Marienburg City Book, I figured that people might, A,
start to take an interest in the City and, B, want to see what
I've written about it.
What's On This Site?
This site is a compilation of Locations, People and Factions
in Marienburg. There aren't very many, but I will add to them
fairly regularly. In addition to the finished Locations there
is also work in progress - feedback on any items is not just
welcome, it is craved! This site does not contain any general
material on WFRP, but the Links section
lists several other sites that do. NOTE TO
Other Sources on Marienburg
The official Marienburg sourcebook has been promised for several
years now, but is apparently going to be released by the end
of July. I have no idea what the book contains, but once it is
released, I will try to ensure that material present on the site
compliments that in the book.
There were several articles printed in WD years ago, all of
which are long out of print. Hogshead, to my knowledge, has no
plans to reprint them (the Marienburg Sourcebook covers different
areas apparantly), which means that they are unavailable. I have
them, but unfortunately cannot put them on the site due to copywrite
reasons. However, as no one has any plans to release them, I
will send them to you if you email me personally at marienburg@postmaster.co.uk,
as long as you ask very nicely and promise not to redistribute
There are some other sources of material on the internet -
Anthony Ragan has published some articles, but I can't remember
where. There are two adventures somewhere, both used in Game
Conventions and I think they're in The Warhammer Archives somewhere.
did a Marienburg Issue last time round which is still available.
Now I have had a chance to read it, I would advise anyone to
get it. It has several interesting articles on: whaling in Marienburg;
Templars of Manann and a full length scenario set within the
The Dying of the Light is possibly worth buying - I didn't
think very much of the adventure, and little of the action is
set within Marienburg itself. There is not much description of
the city, so I'd wait for the sourcebook - the only thing of
interest to me was the Order of Illuminated Readers.
There are also two short stories set in Marienburg, The
Tilean Rat and The Song, present in the Wolf Riders
and Red Thirst Anthologies respectively. These were published
by Boxtree, but are now out of print. I am looking for a copy
of the Tilean Rat, if you can provide me with one, please email me
What's so Special About Marienburg?
Marienburg is different from all other places in the Old World,
and has a number of things which make it an interesting place
for GMs and players.
- The Size: Bigger than Middenheim, bigger than Altdorf, Marienburg
is the Old World's Largest City. Spread out on tiny Islands over
the mouth of the River Reik, it covers an enourmous area.
- It is Cosmopolian: similar to a city such as New York, Marienburg
is a melting pot of different races and cultures. No where else
in the world can you see a Breton chef haggling with a Lizardman
Sea Captain over the price of spices; the largest Sea Elf Community
within the Old World; travellers from Araby, Tilea, Cathay, Norsca
and the New world mingling on overcrowded docks.
- A Liberal City: because it is practically the only place
in the Old World not owned by Nobility, it breeds a different
mindset. Instead of humble acceptance of social position, Marienburgers
tend to be ambitious. Anarchists and agitators flood into Marienburg,
where their provocative texts attacking the Nobility can be printed
legally and distributed to the rest of the Old World. There is
freedom of ideas which has resulted in some startling technological
advancements (Marienburg is comparable to a renaisance city rather
than the medieval Empire).
- Religion: the struggle between Ulric and Sigmar prevalant
in the Empire is not an issue in Marienburg. Lots of Marienburghers
worship Manann, but due to the cosmopolitan nature of the city,
all religions are represented. Chaos cults are officially prohibited,
but there is little of the superstition present in the Empire,
and as a result the laws are rather lax. Of course, a common
Nurgle worshipper would be cut down in the streets, but a few
influential members of Marienburg society are known Slaaneshi
Cultists, and do little to hide their predilections. The result
of this is that the PCs are going to have more difficulty persuading
the authorities to do anything about chaos, but it also means
that GMs can create campaigns in which chaos isn't the main evil.
General Cultural Information
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created by Patrick van den Berg

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