Something strange happened to my site and most of it doesn't load anymore so I've started to move it to sympatico dot ca. I think one must type three w's, the number 3, dot sympatico dot ca slash bjbadger That is if I have the address right! Not much point in my typing it in shorthand because it wouldn't show anyway. If you REALLY want to find me, give that a try please. Or, try signing the guestbook in case it works from here.
I hope you like my
place. I'll tell you a bit about myself before taking you into the depths of this place.
You'll be glad to know that EVERYBODY is entitled to my opinion, and you're bound to get a
fair dose of that as we trip the light fantastic. I love dogs, frogs, rocks, gardening,
photography and a bunch of other stuff. I'm big on family and consider myself rich in that
regard, having a remarkable bunch of Bakers to call my own. I have green eyes, a dog, MS , a twisted sense of humour which leans
towards irreverence and the DARK side and am fortunate enough to
have lots of beautiful things around me.
Love will keep me going.