Home ofThe Frog




Something strange happened to my site and most of it doesn't load anymore so I've started to move it to sympatico dot ca. I think one must type three w's, the number 3, dot sympatico dot ca slash bjbadger That is if I have the address right! Not much point in my typing it in shorthand because it wouldn't show anyway. If you REALLY want to find me, give that a try please. Or, try signing the guestbook in case it works from here.


I hope you like my place. I'll tell you a bit about myself before taking you into the depths of this place. You'll be glad to know that EVERYBODY is entitled to my opinion, and you're bound to get a fair dose of that as we trip the light fantastic. I love dogs, frogs, rocks, gardening, photography and a bunch of other stuff. I'm big on family and consider myself rich in that regard, having a remarkable bunch of Bakers to call my own. I have green eyes, a dog, MS , a twisted sense of humour which leans towards irreverence and the DARK side and am fortunate enough to have lots of beautiful things around me.

Love will keep me going.


Dove of Peace flies from site
to site, through as many
countries as possible.
It does not belong to any
belief system. Please help it

Peace be with you
Pass it on.

make a line around the globe
with a prayer for Peace
by taking it with you to
your site, or by giving it
to someone for their site.

Home Page The Frog's Interests Causes Resources
About the Frog To Do List Fonts, Freebies, and um.....
My Thoughtful Spot Poems Web Rings (defunct) Canadiana
Nice Places The Frog's Graphics Graphics Links Tis to Laugh
Credit Obscure Song Lyrics Multiple Sclerosis Elsewhere
Awards Received More Awards

Domestic Violence must END

Veg Source

The Quilt of Phenomenal Women

Make the World your Library!

A kind and talented man
My friend's site
NOT for kids.

"Timisms" banner
courtesy Mediabuilder

© Purple Frog Productions
Last revised: 04 05 26