Welcome to
Mental Meanderings:
Thoughts on life, from a teen's poiont of view.

Copyrights to all written works, except for the anonymous ones, are held by the author and to use them without permission is illgeal!!

About The Meandriss
Recent revelation: Letter to my reader


Anon Meanderings
You think you're computer-illiterate?
The no-bake fruitcake recipe...
Be thankfull...
A memo with a good point...
A letter saying thanks...
It's all abought perspective...
I am thankfull for...
A very touching story of a lil' boy named Mark.
I am woman... Hear me roar!
The truth about cats and dogs
Why Do I Call You 'Friend'?
Life catalog
Recalled by the Maker

My Original Meanderings
I've got a Guardian Angel...
The great man I called Papa...
My amazing Nanny...
Two peas in a pod...
My ordeal with J.P.
Speech treatments that touched my heart...
Lost love...
"Stop acting childish!"
Personal CV joints...
Let's talk about Death...
Memory book entry #1
Ever had a sinus infection and bronchittus?
An explination of a guy's 'need' for sex...
Me..? Normal..? Since when..?
Relegion, Humans, and me...
An e-mail depicting the posibility of abortion?
A little bit of insight...

Submitted Meanderings
AJ (18/fem)
Her story
Seedthoughts: Part 1
Seedthoughts: Part 2
A very rare occasion
Be Careful (poem)
Corruption & counterfeit

More to come

E-mail me at PickleBritches@yahoo.com if you care to get in touch with me.
I'm adding a lot of new stuff so please come back soon and visit again sometime!
people have actually cared about what I have said on here.

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