
Schedule of the Show


Artists Participating


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Evolving Perception 1999:

Is pleased to present the works of 23 contemporary Iranian and Iranian-American artists living in the US and Iran.

This annual exhibition aims to provide support and an opportunity for talented artists from Iran and America to come together to share their visions as a community. For Artists participating from Iran, this is an extraordinary chance to break political limitation they are facing this difficult moment and be able to exhibit their work in the United States. The one common thread among all the artists is that they are all Iranians.

Many of the artists create works which address the issue of cultural identity. Some of us retain our culture while others have successfully adapted and changed, either way our perceptions have evolved as to how we define ourselves. The arts is one of the ways to explore and become aware of search for self identity.

The exhibition encompasses the work of 23 artist working in a variety of styles and influences. Some of the artists create directly from their Persian heritage while others are more influenced by contemporary art.