<BGSOUND SRC="/keineangst.geo/userfiles:/user/mantis.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Joe's Links
My Notebook
You have entered my little domain of insanity.  This is more or less a web page designed around me, seems silly but it's self satisfying and who knows maybe you'll see something here you will like.
Quotes I Like:

     Water which is too pure, has no fish.

     No matter where you go there you are.

     The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions

     It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye

     Everyone in the world are a$$holes except you and me and I'm starting to                wonder about you

     One man's folly is another man's wife -Helen Rowland

     Women like the simple things in life:  Men

     You never know who's right, but you always know who's in charge

     The one things I can't stand is an unlocked footlocker

     Good memories are meant to be shared with loved ones, bad memories are            meant to be forgotten

     Everybody has the right to be stupid once in a while, It's just that I abuse the            privilege

     Many say love hurts...  yet lack of loves hurts more

     Life is never as it seems, but you can try to make it as pleasing as you want it          to be

     You need only to understand that it is not necessary to understand but only to       enjoy

     Don't take life too seriously, no one ever gets out of it alive
Anybody wishing to reach me can at keineangst@juno.com
Or if you have ICQ you can reach me my number is 42648971
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Opinions displayed on this page are just that, opinions.  If you do not like them I am sorry.