Welcome to My Shrinking/Growing Stories Page
All kinds of stories about shrinking and growing...
Welcome to my Library!
This site contains stories about shrinking and growing kids, teens whatever. I enjoy writing stories such as these. It is an
excellent exercise for the imagination. I'm sure that you all feel the same way. Most of the stories here are written by
me and are therefore, copywrited. I guess I can't really do much seeing as how there are ZIP files for download. Even so,
could you please e-mail me before you post them on your site(s)? I'd appreciate it.
A lot of things have changed since I first started the site in November '99. For one thing, I now have two Yahoo! clubs, and
I have also added an RPG Page. You can check those out for more info. Catch you later!!!
Anyway, hope you enjoy the site.
The Storyteller
The Official Clubs:
The Official Club-Storyteller's Shrink & Grow Stories
The RPG Club-See its page below!!!
If you have any comments, please send e-mail to the address below.
Links to other sites on the Web
Shrinking Stories
Growing Stories
RPG Page
Interactive Stories and the New Message Board
Send any shrinking/growing Stories you may have to the following address.
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