Athene's Hanson Fiction
Vote for me at the HanFic Awards 2000!
Well I decided that since you people have gone to the trouble of nominating my story To Breathe Again for best Science Fiction Story at the HanFic Awards 2000.. that I should update this page!! So yea.. it's basically the same.. but it's more or less just Hanson Fiction now.. i hope you like how things are.. and enjoy reading! And also check out my other fiction site: Quicker than the I f.ic.tion
It's not got any Hanson fan fic up yet, but I will have the sequel to Difference of Opinion up there as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Athene Darklighter
(Sophie C. Burrows)
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Note that this counter is new...and that's why there are so little hits on it.
Guess who won her first award? I DID!
The Star Wars story has to be the coolest story online, the idea is awesome and the effects are the coolest. Check it out!!
This site is owned and operated by: Athene C. Darklighter.
This site was born on: June 8th 1999
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