Jerry's Home

New Song! Prisoner's Last Plea 3/10/2001

You enter a tidy, beautifully constructed chalet. On a desk beside you is a note which reads:

"Greetings, weary traveller! Welcome to my humble abode. I hope you may find some happiness and solace here during your stay! Did you know that you are number to visit my site?

Well, I would really appreciate it if you could just take but a minute to sign my guestbook - feel free to browse it and look through my list of guests!"

Beside the note is a large, leatherbound ledger of some sort, and beside it a quill with some ink. How quaint! Who lives here, you wonder? Well, would you like to sign the guestbook or flip through the guestbook to see who's visited before you?

The note continues:

Dear friend, please make yourself at home. There is much to explore, much to learn about this home of mine. It is not just a home, but a universe within itself! Well, happy exploring!"


Well, now what? You look around you and see several doors leading to various rooms.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of a faint tapping, and to your amazement you realize that it is coming from one of the doors in the house, as if someone was knocking on it! As you step towards the door, you notice a bright light streaming through the cracks of the doorway and you begin to feel a stirring in your chest. Will you open the door to this room?

You decide to explore further and investigate another door. As you put your ear to the door, you gasp in amazement at the sound of a thousand laughters that seem to echo towards you as if from a distance. What place is this that contains so much magic? Would you like to enter into the hall of echoes?

Whereas the previous room was full of laughter and joy, this room seems to emanate a whole medley of emotions, and your heart aches as it feels so many emotions at one time, the joy of soaring through the heavens alongside the pain of a thousand knives carving your soul... Dare you enter this room?

Out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of a small figure scurrying away from you and you instinctively chase after it. It bolts for a hallway and you stop in surprise, blinking your eyes in disbelief. Could that have been what you thought it was? A... a... pig?!? You hesitate for a moment, deciding whether or not to chase after the piglet.

A caution notice embedded in this door glows faintly. From behind this door comes the distinct smell of chemicals and the whirring of some machinery, and you get the feeling that some very important work is taking place here. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you decide to disregard the warning sign on the door and investigate this room.

All of a sudden the room seems to darken and you feel a faint breeze rustling through your hair. You turn towards the entrance of the house and gasp in amazement as an oval of brilliant blue light rises from the ground and begins to pulse rhythmically. Will you enter the portal?