The Official Home Page of Jhatpat Corporation

This is the official home page of an entirely fictititious software organization, named Jhatpat Corporation or Ghatia Soft Ltd. or whatever you would like to call it. This organization represents the practices of all software companies - big and small, new and old, Indian and American (are there any other?). Particularly, the not-so-good practices.

We are poking fun at one and all. We are not targetting people or companies, but attitudes, policies, events and practices.  We have attempted to change the names of persons and companies so that no one is offended, because we do not wish to offend. However, there are some names that would not hurt to be mentioned here, so big and famous are they. Right, Bill ?

We mock policies related to software programmers, policies related to the poor customer. We mock monopolistic, exclusionary and predatory practices of organizations, we mock bad quality software. We laugh at the latest marketing gimmick, i.e., quality certifications: both ISO and SEI-CMM, for the senior management of software companies they are just that.

You are most welcome to contribute to our humor, but do bear in mind that this is a serious venture. Through humour we wish to inform people of  (a) the practices that are lowering the quality of software (b) the practices which could destroy the software industry, if abetted further.

We wish to create a world where all software companies can succeed and co-exist happily, a world where softwares can interact with one another across platforms using standards approved by the programming community, where healthy and honest competition results in better software, a world where the end-user is free to choose what software, OS or machine he wants to use, and is not tied to any one vendor. We wish for a certain percentage of development software to be free and open-source so that we can learn better, and thus produce better software. We wish for a world where softwares are judged and purchased on technical merit, and not through coercion, exclusionary practices, and farcical "independent" benchmarks.

For contributions of humor, please mail:
Your contributions will be added here without modification.
Serious articles will also be posted here. We will also gladly link to sites containing relevant articles.
Please also let us know if you feel offended by any material on our site.

As per our policy, our site may be seen using ANY browser. Each page is small, is non-frames, and is largely text only, so that you may view this easily even if on a slow line.

Jhatpat is the official trademark of Jhatpat Corporation (May 1999), and may be used by other organizations at their own risk. The name signifies actions taken in a hurry - with no heed to quality or consequences. The less literate, English-only speaking community may call us Crappy Software Corporation, if they so desire.

 Another companies newsletter
 About me - the author
 An interesting mail taken from Oracle Server newsgroup
 An interesting discussion regarding NT and Unix taken from Unix Admin Newsgroup
 An open letter to Mr Tucker
 Our company Vision

Some related links are:
 Free Software Foundation
 The GNU Project
 The Microsoft Java Dilemma  29KB
 Dept of Justice Report (390 KB)
 Linux  and  Linux World

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This page was last updated on Jun 6, 1999. It is updated at least
two times a month. Boys and Girls, I , Lalloo, been busy doing work so no update. Sorry!