Welcome to

Flags Flag, blowing in the (virtual) wind Scottish Country Dancing

with the Caledonian Society of

Flag of Oman

A wee bit of Scotland in the Middle East!

line break


Couple dancing Sadly, Marilyn Ferguson (the former dance teacher)left to work and live in Libya. Karen & Marc also left for Abu Dhabi, so we are looking for a new dance instructor.

The Demonstration Team practice on Sunday evenings and anyone interested in joining should call Kester Harris 675721, Jane Coogan 9740493, or Maureen Coyle 602431. We hope to run practice classes in the autumn, probably October, for the St Andrew's Ball dances. Remember, beginners are always welcome, as are those with some dance experience.

Please email Ian Barclay for more information on up-coming events.

The Scottish Dancing Demonstration Team normally meet every Sunday night—around 7:30 to about 9:00 or so—at the British School in Muscat (actually, in nearby MQ).

At the computer For more information about The Caledonian Society of Oman (up-coming events), please email Ian Barclay (who maintains this website) at ian@vismud.com.

Photos and information on the Ceilidh that took place on 27 May 2004, at the Intercontinental Jabrin Ballroom in Muscat.

Swinging Palm Dancing Practice
Want to find out how to learn some Scottish country dancing steps? Or maybe just look at a few photos from a practice session? Then this page is for you!

Links to Related Sites

The Caledonian Society of Oman

Committee Members

Ken Bruce (telephone: 9450146)

telephone Vice Chieftan
Tony Coyle (9356610)

Jane Coogan (9740493)

Lesley Graham (9798718)

Membership Secretary
Marion Bruce (9723436)

Ian Barclay (9052928)

There have been

dancing fools to this site

Dancing up a storm . . .

Don't recognize the song that's playing?

It's "Big Johns Reel." And yes, it's on a never-ending loop, so you may want to turn down/off your speakers, or go to another page here (and quickly!) before the music drives you mad...

Thank you for visiting.

COME BACK SOON! Please bookmark this site, and be sure to come back sometime soon!

This homepage was revised on 1 June 2004

This site was created by Marc Dyer & Karen Cooper (that's an email link; their own website is at www.happytravails.com), who would love to hear from you!


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  • www.geocities.com/Soho/Study/1425
    or the easier-to-remember
  • www.geocities.com/scottishdancing

    Please make a note of either one, and pass it onto a friend or friends.