To meet the rest of the McKay
Family hit the crest
Of this time, Of that place, Who am I?

Of this time? TIME!  What is time?  At the tone the time is......  Time meaning space, and what does space mean?  Space is something that takes up space...Go figure.  Ok, of this time, meaning right now.....Of that place, meaning other than where you are right now..Who am I?  Who are you?  Don't even stop and try to figure that one out.  It might just drive you crazy.. Who am I!  I am me...Simple enough??
"We are just actors on the stage of life"!

Interesting thought.  Which is true.  How many people do you know that "pretend" to be someone they are not?  Many, that I know.  to many times have I met someone, that I thought was a nice person, only to have them "stab" you in the back in one way or another.  People are people are people...  I f we were all alike, "wow" that would be no fun.  There would be no one to talk about, no one to argue with, no one to really talk to..We would all be the same....Look in the mirror and tell me what you see?  Want to change?  want to be someone else?  Yes,,,,Actors on the stage of life...So be anybody you want to be.  But, remember that you are who you are...
Do you believe that we are alone on this planet Earth??

Did I throw you off  that question?  GOOD...No we are not alone.  Just figure it out...One small planet, one big galaxy, all the stars, all of the other planets.  We are in but ony one galaxy, there are several others.  Gee, we are the only life form of all the stars, galaxies,etc.....Figure that we are alone now?  I don't think so.
To many people have seen UFO's.  One clue..Some say they have been picked up and examined, poked at, prodded, and sexual assaulted.  Are they all lying?  I don't think so..Of course that is my opinion. Try this on for size...Have you " thought" that you have every seen a UFO, or a being not from this planet???? Email me.........
Last years flowers...Taken from my patio.....