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Gallery of original
illustrations, gif animations, ASCII-art, ASCII-animation
by llizard aka ejm

Advertisement on these pages are how I pay for the webspace provided by GeoCities (Free well sort of...Home Pages). I have NO control over the advertisements put there. All advertisements and images on the GeoGuide have been chosen by GeoCities. Short of taking the pages away from GeoCities (which is what I have finally done - here are my reasons for moving), I have NO control over any of these GeoCities advertisements. They are the cost of having GeoCities host the pages. If you have any comments about any of these advertisement ploys, please direct them to GeoCities (GeoCities Comment Submission Form.)

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NEWSFLASH!! Spring 2009: Y!Geo sites are going to disappear. Y! will not be offering another free hosting service for those who have sites hosted on geocities. Check out cwahi.net's FREE web hosting service. Do it now while you can still retrieve your files....
On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.

If you'd like to move your web site, or save the images and other files you've posted online, please act now by downloading your files [...].

-excerpt from Y!Geocities

Go to Y!Geo Bulletin Boards and choose "help and support" (well, of course, you can only do that if the bulletin boards haven't been shut down). If you are really in despair, you might also like to look at another alternative.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 .         ______                  . 
 .        |popups|                 .
 .        |galore|                 . 
 .        |on_NS3|_I_    _______   .
 .  ^    ___ | /\-_--\  |Y!Geo  |  .    
 . /|\  [Buy]|/  \_-__\ |ad goes|  .       
 . /|\    |   |[]| [] | |here __|  .   ,^%---
 .        |                 |      .  <   \ Is it just
 .           (`   |         |      .\/ >\   me, or are
 .   ejm     ,) ()|)()      |      .   >/   there too
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   /\^^  many ads?
                                      \ \
Is it any wonder that I moved?

All the artwork
(with the exception of a few otherwise noted)
on these pages has been done by:
llizard aka ejm


VK's ascii-art webchat forum
links to ASCII-art pages
ASCII character chart
ridiculously useless llinks
computer generated illustrations (gifs)
animated gifs


Any drawings you find on these pages are NOT,
under any circumstances, to be used for commercial purposes
without my written permission.

e-mail ==%^7^^^7^^                   (gif 245bytes ©ejm1997)
llizard aka ejm
Toronto Ontario Canada


Please read about copyright myths.

( )
/ \

Free Speech on the web
and Respect Artists

©ejm 1996-2003, 2009

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