The Baroque Nouveau Zine  

A non-regular pre-karaoke publication dedicated to new thought and reason for the coming millenium

From Surrealism to Fantastic Realism
The point beyond infinity ...

In the street and in the stairways of every city in the world all the faces seem familiar. I was afraid that there was nothing left in the world that could surprise me, all my life I should be haunted by the feeling that I had seen everything before. Fortunately after a few sleepless nights I had forgotten everything.

Is there not a place to be found in myself where everything that happens to me would be immediately comprehensible? A place where everything I see, know or feel could be instantly deciphered. Whether it be the movement of the stars, the way in which the petals of a flower are arranged, developments in the civilization to which I belong or the most secret movements of my heart.

Is there not in man, in myself, a path which leads to a knowledge of all the laws by which the world is governed? Do I not possess, deep down within myself, the key to total knowledge?

There exists in the universe a point, a privileged spot from where the universe as a whole is revealed. We observe creation with instruments, telescopes, microscopes, etc. But if an observer could be in this privileged spot everything that is or has ever been would appear to him in a flash. Space and time would be revealed into totality and ultimate significance of all their aspects.

From Morning of the Magicians

Click on a note for more Baroque ....

.... the notes are gone .... someone stole the baroque

You might as well shoot yourself!
Here's the gun Although conceptions of aging differ among lay persons and even among scientists, we all know that aging accelerates as time progresses. But aging is more than just the passage of time. It is a number of different processes taking place in our bodies, the totality of which is what we mean by aging (lack of strength and endurance; loss of ability to resist disease, including cardiovascular disease and cancer; wrinkling and sagging of skin; loss of hair and teeth and other familiar aging signs. Lots to look forward to!
Isn't this a great award. If this page had achieved such high honour it would mean the realisation of all that it had set out to do.

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Best Dog Poo Award

Gallery in the Mist

Music from Mozart to Patsy

Nutz Zine

The Crying Wizard

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