Amanda Huggenkis' Home Page

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La Maison d'Amanda Huggenkis

What you might find on this page. Everything About ME. such as.. The fact that...

To see more Pictures of me and others

More pics to be added soon, I promise!

To learn more about me

HEY YOU! I know you are here, but leave a message in the guestbook so I know what you think! Thanks, love ya, well not really, but I'll say anything to get you to sign it. Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

worms... worms? WORMS!! Worms.. I hate Worms... Worms make me crazy....They locked me up in a padded cell and all I saw were Worms... Now I am all better.... Thanks to a dear friend from high school!

Did you know that I have my own webring? Yes I do, it is called "The I AM ME Webring" Click here for info.
"A celebration of me being me and you being you!"


If you found yourself upon my page via a web ring and you are wondering how you are going to go on to the next site, well get used to it, you are stuck here, nah you may want to try going Here.

This is my only award I have won so far

Last updated December 13, 2002. Yes, the owner is pretty lazy.

There have been Counter people to visit my home on the web and 556 to visit my old homepage. Something happened to my old counter... that damn yahoo! There had been like 1500 people to view this page.


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Copyright © 1996-2002 Amanda Jeanette Drum Stewart