Welcome to Spacemonkey, that sad little monkey with musique on his mind. Please check out my zine called "Something to live for". Other than that...check out the musique...
a little introduction perhaps. this has all been a bunch of nonsense, and i haven't got a mind to change that. however, these are little updates, a sort of necessity as the years just pass. sugar2000 is the update for my cure page. the cure have finished the first past of their dreamtour (i'm only saying it that way, hoping that there will be another part to the tour, but it'll probably be in australia and south america, sort of impossible to travel to simply to catch some shows, although a transatlantic hop to europe was quite explainable)
another worthy update as bjork has released a new movie "dancer in the dark", the soundtrack for it, and another studio album. what a busy busy bee, how lovely. haven't been able to get myself to research some more but hopefully there will be a tour and videos and so on and so on