I live!.......sort of. This site won't likely be updated for awhile. Look, I've been getting schoolwork up to my ears, and my break comes in three weeks so it's crunch time. And I won't be able to update over break, because of reasons. And my break lasts until after New Years. You do the math. So cut me a little slack, okay? I haven't forgotten about this site.
Under Major Construction

making some headway

The Ohamsie Oasis is currently undergoing a complete overhaul. New design, new content, new everything. I am starting completely from scratch. In the meantime, you can still check out my livejournal, or you can leave a comment in my Guestbook. You can see a kind of preview of the kind of layout that I will be working on here. There will be much different content, but I will want the layout to look crisp and spiffy like the layout in the preview. It should come along sometime. Maybe.