~*Precious Rose*~'s Place
While searching the net and trying to figure out what I wanted on my Home Page,
I found that there were too many things to choose from.
Everywhere I went there were things I wanted to add to my page.
I am not sure that I have the time nor the patience
to add ALL of those things.
~conspirital whisper~ Never mind if GeoCities would allow it.
~**Giggling Softly**~
As you can tell by my name and this front page, I like Roses.
~*Grinning*~In fact I *LOVE* Roses.
I have one very Good and Close Friend.
She recently moved to California and I am *always* grateful for her help.
~*Warm Smile*~I re-married in 2003. He is a **WONDERFUL** man.
~*Warm, Pleased Smile*~My father passed away July 1, 2004. This was his second battle with cancer.
His suffering and lack of being able to "live life" as he wanted, is over.
He's resting peacefully and will be watching over all those he knew and loved.
~*Soft, teary-eyed Smile*~In November of 2004 I had a Daughter. She's a little thing and growing more and more each day.
My second son plays with her and totes her around like she was a favorite toy or something.
She thinks the kisses, tickles, snuggles, giggles and the myriad of other things he does with her
are *just IT* in entertainment.
I have to agree. It's so fun watching them play together.My oldest will be 14 this coming December. ~*Smiling Softly*~
Time... some days it moves way too fast though other days it never moves fast enough.
As far as I know he is finished with 7th Grade and currently lives with his Father in another State.
He and do not talk often and both of us seem to have broken fingers when it
comes to writting each other, but I'm trust he's well, happy and safe.I think this year has been great for my oldest.
Everyday I'm grateful for him.
My youngest boy turned 10 this June.~*Smiling Softly*~
He just finished Fouth Grade and has learned so fast.
It's rather amazing that his thought process continually evolves.
Not sure why it amazes me, but it does.He's gone shooting with my husband a several times and has learned that shotguns are "COOL!"
He enjoys black powder rifles as well but I don't think that they make enough noise for him.
~*Chuckling*~He still LOVES music and loves to dance (and "sing") to any song that has a good beat to it
or he knows the words to. ~*Giggling*~Rap (thankfully) has begun to fade as his favorite "rhythm" music and he's falling for the oldies
but goodies. We can handle those much better. Does that make us sound **OLD** or what??
Below are several options for some of the Pages I have on here.
This is still under construction, and probably always will be so bear with me on this.
Real Time is dictating When I can be here.
That hasn't been very often.
~*Soft Smile*~
~*Thank You*~ for your time and interest.
~*Warm Smile & Blue Eyes Glowing Brightly*~
Thoughts and Writings
Guardian Angel
4th of July
© 1997 thru 2006
Last Updated: July 26, 2006
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~*Big Bright Smile*~