Never extinguish the flame of humanity

On the way to work one morning recently,
I saw an elderly man (likely in his 60's)carrying a backpack and a sleeping bag.
His head was lowered the entire time as he crossed the street(as if ashamed to be seen).
He was someone just like you and I. He, and many others like him,
including families go without heat, shelter, food and other neccessities
- they also need our help.

It is time to take stock of our lives, the people within it, and our faith.
Please don't just give generously to one cause,
for there are many that rely on each and everyone of us.

We will not forget what happened on September 11th.
We will not forget the thousands of people who lost their lives.
We will not forget the heroes.
We also can not ignore the living.

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Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories.
Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.
- Robert Fulghum


The poems throughout this web site are copyrighted and are my original works. These poems may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the expressed written permission of the author. If you wish to reproduce any of my poems in anyway, please email me for written permission.