The Homepage




Welcome to my homepage. I'm Asif Rashid and I'll be your host during your e-visit to my humble corner of the web. If you've stumbled upon this site, then you've been surfing for way too long! GET A LIFE!

Me circa summer 2005


Me and my buddy Mike Tozer. His bachelorhood comes to an end this May. Happy trails bro!

Here I am way back in Summer '94 at my home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I'm standing on the lawn in the backyard. Yes, grass does grow in the desert!

A little bit about myself...I am a Canadian-born Muslim Bangali. In other words, I'm Sweet Chocolate Brown...or I'm just confused! My parents immigrated to Canada from Bangladesh way back in the 70's. So give them their proper respect as the pioneers of professional Bangladeshi influx to this nation!!!

On June 19, 1999, I received my Bachelor's Degree of Applied Science, Honours & Co-op in Chemical Engineering with an Option in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo. It was five whirlwind years but it was fun while it lasted.

After a stint in Calgary, Alberta I've returned back to the city that stole my heart...Toronto, Ontario. Of course, I have also lived in Ottawa, Ontario, various parts of Alberta, Regina, Saskatchewan, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia...the mad jet-settah!


You don't know what life has in store for you, but it all has some grand purpose. I'm currently working at Terrapex Environmental Ltd. in Toronto as an Environmental Scientist/Remediation Engineer/Field Technician/General and Specialized Labourer!!! You'd be shocked at how much of this world is contamiated!!!


Current Projects

Work Experience & Employment Opportunities


Olive Grove Publications


Have a look at the Blackboard for some thoughts of the day or put some of your own thoughts on the board

If you have any comments and/or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me. Tanks!
© 2006

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