welcome to my house
First i have to tell you what concerns me the most...
FREE EAST TIMOR Theres a thing called FREEDOM, but only for a few lucky guys like you and me. Theres a lot of people that still are slaves (in XXI century!!!).
The (murderous) indonesian government have no respect for the humankind. They kill and torture everyone who opposes to their militaristic expansion.YOU CAN HELP!!! please insert these links in your homepage.
East Timor Action Network
ETAN CanadaSAVE OUR PLANET "If we ruin the Earth, there is no place to go. This is not a disposable world, and we are not able to reengineer another planet. ...
...the indiscriminate destruction of the vegetation, may alter de global climate in ways that no scientist can yet predict...
...yet we ravish the Earth in an accelerated pace, as if it belong to this one generation, as if it was ours to do it as we plead...
...our generation must choose which we value more :
short terms profits or
long term habitability in our planetary home."
Carl Sagan in Cosmos.Carl Sagan honory site
Carl Sagan projects
Now i'll introduce my self
... want to knowwhere i am?!!I...
... born in Portugal in 12/05/1966, in a place call Cinfães do Douro, but went living to Porto when was a baby. So, i grow up in this town .
... trained Judo (blue belt, abandoned now)
... studied Electronic in base school, and Informatic in high school
... work as sales management (in a beer distribution firm)
... married in 1993 (no kids, for now)
... like to
drink (beer, wine, scotch)
eat (portuguese food)
sleep (a lot)
spending lots of time in Internet
travel (know the unknown)
photografy (amateur in black & white)
gardening (not so much, just the necessary)
play games (specially cards games)
hear music (rock, jazz)
AH!!! ... and i smoke, a lot! (should stop)and i like this to!!! check out!!!
ZoneFisic Einstein, Albert
Sagan, CarlPainting Picasso, Pablo
Van Gogh, VicentDemos Photography de Dienes, Andre
this site is still on construction, last updated : 01 Jan 1999
visitors who lost is time here
sugests, comments, jokes, prosecutions -> email to : mffa@yahoo.com
mffa 1998
build with FrontPage in a sunny day