Twenty Five Years of...BLOOD,SWEAT,...and TEARS
Smatter You look like you seen a ghost?
After 28 years My friends I have decided that I cannot continue in the industry. Because of the general disreguard for the public. Too many lack a sense of moral responsibilty. I have decided before I leave this rock I want to do serious art...sculpt, paint and write my memoirs maybe even get 1 last band who knows...I'll update soon...I will still be tattooing some but I am gonna have to be bribed pretty much...and I will only tattoo what I want to and who... Love Honor and Respect.... The Raven
The Ravens New Home
In the Land of Purple

Come on in and look around!
If you have not noticed alot of things have changed around here. There are many surprises on the way. My time has come. Please look around enjoy the page and thank you so much for dropping by. If you are in the Seattle Area and want to make an appointment for work, e-mail me between the crocs.
If your new to the sight.......WELCOME.........an old friend, good to see you again, and if your an enemy......well you already... know don't you??? Cackle Cackle Cackle
E-Mail The Raven