Owners and Ops

@w @ jebat @la-rose @wan @robinfore@Agung@koboi

kata-kata aluan daripada @JEBAT and @la-rose

Photos of geng

#wawasan 1stGathering

at Nelayan 26 July '97

Benefits of #wawasan

Joining #wawasan is joining a family..we welcome everybody...janji main IRC kat #wawasan....kalau nak letak gambar and biodata email ajer to @koboi or saTAY..they are in charge of membership...kalau ada suggestions atau perubahan....beri tahula kami......

you all dah sign da..Guestbook !!! or tidak kena..... BAN.....dpd #wawasan..hehehe..joking only ; )

.....or tenggok aje.....da Guestbook

See the baby brother...

Arazi's #wawasan homepage


History of # wawasan

#wawasan was founded in 11 Febuary 1997, 7:22.41 am GMT, to bring together people from all background,creed and religion just to have...FUN.

Some of our favorite links...

regulars at #wawasan

UsoP- ciKai - sepi - paprik - awie -rover la-rose - psb - sa^|^ay - nina - nehi -awang - koboi - erra -Basilik-syclone - melina - vet - korrie - ratu - wan - shash -OraNg - ari - robin - matJai -arazi-Harimau

who's who at #wawasan....teka la....

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