June 18, 2004 Mhaijik leaves again !!!
I found a New home Second Life is Excellent !!!June 18, 2004 - I will write up my impressions of Second Life very SOON- but for now check out the web page and come join us all it is Awsome !!! Only people over 18 though : D
5-17-2004 I got curious. Time goes by, years pass and painful memories of WA subside. I am very happy RL now, living with the sweetest, kindest man I have ever met, an online friend from the Realm. We have been immersed in EQ these past few years. But as of late I have become bored killing monsters and such there. The new expansions have not been that interesting to explore, my old guild met an unfortunate end, [shrug] time to go back and visit my roots. So far my impressions of the new Dreamscape in VZones have not been very impressive [s] though. I wander around from block to block and see silent avi’s standing around, no one speaking, no one chatting. There are the game groups about, playing Bingo, Acro, and other games where one can see avi’s awake, but there is not the feeling of community anymore. Once upon a time, long ago, when one strolled these streets if you came upon someone in a locale, greetings were exchanged and conversations could start. I think I was looking for the community, the friendliness of the olde ‘Dream’. I know the silent avi’s I pass are most probably not even at their keyboard, and many are probably not even home, they are merely parking to earn tokens. [shrug] My hangout was the majik shoppe, being a vampire and all. I recall many a time when we darque ones would gather there, chat, and recite the poems we had written. It seems now the poetry readings are formal events, done by the Muses. Muse, what the heck is a Muse [s]. Back in my day, we were the poets, the members of a wonderful dreamlike world, the whole experience evoked poetry. For my return, however long I may stay, I will bring my poetry back to the streets where it belongs not holed up in some garden somewhere. I have found there are some lovely new places to explore in the new Dreamscape. The beaches, the under water areas. I like the monthly items too. I spent an hour or two in the jungle searching for the June leezard [w], found it too, I now have a Sunny Jun ‘04. I also have enjoyed spinning through the vendo’s looking at all the new items, and chuckling at the old ones with new names. I sigh softly thinking of all the pixels I let poof when I left the Dream years ago. My collection of rare, and not so rare little treasures. [shrug]. My ‘shes dead head’ sighs deeper, oh well. When I was looking through discs for my WA poems I did find I have a lot of WA history saved. I will create a page to share that with anyone who cares to click the link. July 29, mostly done see below link. So in closing, I do not know how long I will be back, but I will create a page to commemorate some of the History that was WA back in the Day, Aug 1995 up to when I left.
1995 - Hi, my name is Mhaijik, that is; it is my name in a magical place called WorldsAway(c). I was born there in August of 1995. I was one of the early inhabitants. As a resident there I spend my time greeting newcomers, helping them get accustomed to the city and reading Tarot cards. The Tarot card reading is my "job". Through this activity I earn Tokens (our WA currency) to assist me in helping newcomers. The first "world" we have is called the Dreamscape, The island is Kymer, the city is Phantasus. For more information in Compuserve enter "Go Away" It is a wonderful place with many friendly people, called Avatars.
Myth and legend, After a late night in the Dreamscape it occurred to me that WorldsAway(c) reminded me of a book read in college. In a Spanish culture class I read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Garcia Marquez a book of myth, legends, ghosts, empty buildings, locked doors and history. To me it seems WA is reminiscent of Marquez?s work by being a medium where there can be a gathering together of people form far and wide for a mutual purpose. Myth, legend, history- -Commodore Q-link, CC- Club Caribe, and now WA, histories evolving. Mystical and the ever present ghosts moving forward softly through time.
A magical place with guilds forming, "Ilkwither said he with a toadial grin, drawing his malachite sword, as his faithful companion Rhinesboffin gallomphed along beside." (me)
My girl-
And a *nice* Black Cat
Here are some of our friends from the Dreamscape-
A scene to be envied; Lady Mystique and Mhaijik-
Current - June 18 2004, I found a New home Second Life is Excellent !!!
More History - As of November 1997, I had found a New home ----/---|@ Alas Adieu...! Dreamscape