a Special Message from

I made this!

Premature Armageddon Double-Bupkus Tour

Yo! Watch This Space!you should be dancin! oo! New Stuff every so often!

The site is undergoing some fairly radical changes. Very NEWNEWNEW! Including a mock-up web page to show alla y'all how I've been using the web-building skills attained at this very website (!!) for teaching elementary school kids how to get friendly with this technology. Did you realize some people are actually scared of this technology? Pshaw. Not you, though, I can see it in your eyes. So keep checking back here -- in fact, go have a sample of the mock web! Right Now! Right Here! You Never Know...

Your Lovin' Staff:
SirenSinger: your affable host(ess) and sea lover! DDuckess: erstwhile nobility and feathered friend to many! Fluffy: Bringer of Death. Nuff said there!
Ack! A California teacher with an online resume! And the famous Mock Web Site starts here. and leastly last: Amber M.: the fragile human mind holding it all together. Wanna know what I'm doing here? Click my name!

n Stuff:

There's some funny stuff on the other side of these pages! don't go far! (make up yer own while I'm working) Some utterly specious biographical tidbits to throw you and Mulder/Scully off my tail! Goes Here! Here There Be Tygers
Attention homeowners and my dad! Go here! and Have a look! When you're done there, go here and see page two of Dad's flyer. Acknowledgements n Webliographia Interactive Page! Don't forget to write!
Even camels get the blues. Joe would have wanted it this way. I'm sure. Pay your last respects to Joe Camel here. Bring flowering tobacco, I guess. The corporate-shill buttons are taking over! Go look at them HERE. Check out my AWARD and laugh along with me.

And more!!

More new stuff every day! Amazing! Enticing! Like chocolate or .. well .. like me! Oh, we're all excited down here at the beach! All jumping up and down so hard we're knockin' the sand outen our shorts! And if you've been beaching in California, you know: that sand's on yer butt to stay!
Overwhelmed? Me too. Have some brain food and come right back. I have Otter Pops! Pez!

SIREN stands for (apart from the mythical and musical meanings) "Self Indulgent Ramblings: Enter Now!" So I'm thinking words! words! Go look at this one for a first taste. And try this other guy's site right there for another, er, taste. (He was nice enough to publish a SelfIndulgentRambling.) Essays exploring darker musings in Fluffy's domain, also my more miserable morbid thinkings, urban living from a suburbanite's point of view, interactive fiction...music, when we've discovered how to do it... (SirenSinger's a vocalist, after all) the list goes on and on. Who can tell what will come next? Maybe I can talk about the Beezarro Stuff I fancy! (we'll see) AND MORE!! And why not?! My boundaries shift as often as my moods and that's a lot, believe me. Did I mention Summer of Madness somewhere?

Thanx Nubin!

I got my little line of umbrellas! Now I don't have to worry about that bloody bar pooling onto my email or corporate icons (horrors!)

Questions? Comments? Spontaneous Outpourings of Love or Money? Email me now!! Here!! The Floor!!

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I don't wanna look like a corporate shill or anything, but really, this page does look best when viewed through Netscape's Communicator, upon which most of it was built.

Next best is which also looks nice and is free.

My favorite, however, is this guy's
Say "hey!" to a San Diego neighbor, man! SD Link Member

Even though I am a grafix-IDIOT, I made the umbrellas above and logo-banner and some other stuff with the shareware from PaintShop.
Not as impressive as some sites, I guess, but amazing when you consider I have no bleepin' clue!

PSP probably rules.

Lookee here! I've got me one-a these babies, too!
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Well, the counter has gone mad. We all go a little mad sometimes.

Official stuff: As of 18 June, 1997, this sireny site is ©1997 by ME, and all other rights revert to their originators. Anything you borrow of theirs should link back to them. Anything you borrow of mine should link back to me. Whether it's legally enforceable or not, heck man! it's courtesy! Your mom would want you to be courteous. She emailed me. That's how I know.

Hey! I got me an honor! On the Cosmic List of websites, we are here:

Isn't that nice? Makes us feel kinda quietly proud.