


Thank you for visiting

WELCOME to the GALLERY...more stuff is added regularly...well pretty regularly, so visit again. All of the graphics are mine, except where I've specified. You're welcome to take whatever you want for your page, but please don't place anything as part of another collection.

Matching graphics are displayed on a full page view of the "backgrounds" thumbnail. To download an image, right mouse-click on the selected item and save with the appropriate command. Easy. Everything is accessible from the menu on the left of this page.

Often the graphics on these pages are linked to other pages displaying them on matching backgrounds. Most of the graphics are transparent, and work best with the colors they are displayed on. For instance, if a graphic was made on a dark background, using it on a light background will produce "ragged" edges (and vice-versa). Always try to use them on a similar background color. The matching images shown on the pages here look best on the backgrounds they were created for, but can be used on a background of your choice.

If you have a request or comment, question or complaint, problem or Life Crisis, email me.

If you use anything from this site, I'd appreciate a link!

Go ahead...take the temperament test.
You might find something out about yourself.

Any idiot can face a crisis,
it's the day to day living that wears you out.
--Anton Checkhov