The SPC is currently on a summer hiatus. Scathach, aka Steph, is going to Michigan to be a theater electrician for a few months, and her computer access will be limited. I know I've been really bad about getting things up on the site, especially on the Original Works page, but it's been a hectic semester. So have a good summer, write and read lots of good poetry, and I'll see you all in the fall!
Blessed Be
You may ask "what is the Sporadic Poetry Club, exactly?" It is just what it seems -- a site dedicated to the crazy idea that all poems are created equal. The line "Turning and turning in the widening gyre" bears just as much importance and beauty as "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways;" Ogden Nash is just as much a poet as Shakespeare; and all poems deserve exposure and an audience, even unpublished ones. The Sporadic Poetry Club was founded to fill a gap in peoples' lives and to bring a little beauty to even the most uncultured parts of the world. It is a haven for writers, a nook for thinkers, and a starting point for the novice. Here can be found (occasionally -- I make no claims to keep a regular schedule, hence the term "sporadic") all the great works of poetry by some of the greatest people to ever live, and poetry by those who will be the great poets of the future. More logistically, I do take requests and suggestions for installations of the SPC, and any poems you think I should use and all
submissions for the original works page can be mailed to Scathach. Please make sure that all poems have an author's name attached; I don't want to get into trouble with the copyright police (This includes original work as well. I can't use anything submitted anonymously.). Take the time to sign my guestbook (now that I have one), and enjoy yourself!
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People have visited the SPC since 1 August, 1997.
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