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Welcome to my page of SHARP Instruments
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Hello, I'm Dagger. Who is you ask? Click to see a pic of me and my little blade. I hang out in Chat house with a lot of killer people.

What do I like to do besides chat? I design animated gifs, here are a few examples along with some paintings and drawings I've done......

I also like making ray-traced pictures and animations using Povray.

In the Digital Gallery there's a few simple samples of what ray-traced pictures are like along with some pictures I've done using Bryce3D and 3D Max. Check 'em out if you're into that kind of thing.

This section will some day be filled with friends. They may not all be alive and kicking, but they'll all be here sooner or latter.
Go ahead and take a look, just don't set any free!!! Press here to view Dagger's page of FRIENDS.

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Do not press here..heh heh

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Special thanks to PREDATOR for getting me started, and also my bro for all the cool tools!!

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