Seipse's Home

This site has been my web home since '97 (there were no blogs at the time... remember?), and has hosted my html experiments, some writings, my rants, and other miscellaneous stuff.It hasn't been updated in years (almost six to be precise), and what I'm now doing is just a quick clean up rather than a complete makeover... I'm getting rid of what has become uselessly outdated, and cleaning up the worst grammatical errors (my english at the time was definitely worst than it is now) - don't expect any significant change in the site structure though, I've nor the time nor the will to do anything major right now.
If you've been here before (and the fact that you're visiting once more makes me wonder about what else do you do with your time if you waste it on my ramblings ;-) ), you'll know that a few years ago I made a precise choice in keeping these pages simple and small. If this is your first time (and again I wonder how did you came across this site) have a look at the site policy, that explains why the site is optimized for the Lynx browser.
Content wise, what you'll find here is some information about Seipse's off-line identity in the "Zen on Zen" pages, something about my activity as a musician in "Marginalia and other stories" (there's some mp3 available there) and some more about my activity as a writer in "Keyboard and pen" (note: since I left university and started working both my musical and my literary production have strongly declined... how surprising).
You'll find also a section about the best OS you can run on your pc in "Why I use Linux" (updated) and, of course, a selection of my favourite "Links"(note: when the linux section was written I would have never imagined what was going to happen in the following years, but it should be enough to say that despite my being a university drop out my knowledge of this marvellous little os has landed me my current job, so - kudos to mr. Torvald, I could never thank him enough for starting his little revolution).

If you have questions, critics or rants about this site, or simple want to contact me, feel free to mail me at, or to look for me in ICQ: UIN8185969.

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©2005 by Seipse.

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