Carousel,s Corner
Welcome To Carousel's World

Photography, Pastels and Greeting Cards
 OH TO BE FREE Wooden bodies bobbing up and down, beautifully painted for all to see, constantly whirling and turning around, not knowing the feeling of being free You travel in circles, both night and day, following the tail in front of you, carrying laughing children along the way not knowing what you can really do. The wind in your face and the ground at your feet. It is only imagined and cannot be. A wonderful feeling that can't be beat. Oh the feeling of being free! by Janice Bailey
Hello, my name is Janice and I want to welcome you to Carousels corner of the web. I hope through my photographs, pastels and greeting cards you enjoy the world of carousel horses as much as I do.
 5X7 card $4.50 each original pastel
 Original photo greeting cards 5X7 $4.50 each

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