
Welcome to our web site. We hope you enjoy your visit.

SunMoonStars makes Russian PunchNeedle Embroidered items. We sell them at craft and art shows. Now for the first time, you can see and learn about them on the web. If this is your first time seeing this work, sit back and enjoy yourself. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. I'd love to communicate with someone else that's into this form of embroidery.

Russian PunchNeedle Embroidery is an old hand-craft. It is believed that the Old Believers used this type of needlework to embellish their clothing and walls.

With the use of different sized needles, as well as the use of one to six strands of floss, we can obtain great detail.

This embroidery is durable and therefore lends itself to all types of wearables in addition to making beautiful framed wall art.

Our pieces range in size from an inch to framed pieces 16X20. The biggest seller at the fairs are the small wearable appliques that are sold on a greeting card.

Here are a few pictures of some of our designs. As stated above there are so many more. There wouldn't be room to show them all. Thanks for looking. And if you are a "PunchNeedle Artist" please email us.

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