The poet, husband Harry, eight-month-old Bandit, the baby, and Fidget have been living in sunny Tucson, Arizona since the new millenium. If our cats look strange to you, they are. I developed an allergy to cats and my husband found these Devon Rex cats that do not bother me. The material on this site is copyright, 1995, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000,'01, '04 and '05 by the author. ''Cardomegaly'' has received an Award and inclusion in the anthology ''The Best Poems and Poets of 2003'' published in 2004. Evelyn has recently been asked to submit a poem for a 200 poem publication entitled, ''The International Who's Who of Poetry'', coming out in October 2005
© 1997
There's nothing wrong with that.
We bought Gismo toys and a mouse
Before he deigned to rule our house.
Cardiomegaly [A Heart Too Big]
I feared to crush a kitten so small.
Soft fur, loud purrs caught me in his charms.
Thus, sunrise found me tightly in thrall.
Tiny Body, Big Heart.>
My husband sat Giz in one large hand
A cowboy's love traped in four wee paws.
That day I watched my Harry's last stand.
Our vows of love had an added clause.
Giz gave us hope when our lives were dim.
He knew when either human was ill.
The perfect tonic for us was him,
Fur soft on our cheeks beat any pill.
Meows and laughter echoed through time.
Over ten years Giz joined our world.
We watched him stalk and pounce toys, and climb.
When tired he jumped into a lap and curled.
Then came a day when he cried in pain,
Our Souls fell into an abyss so deep,
He tried to sand but it was in vain
Again, in my arms, Giz went to sleep.
His Loving Heart Now Stilled.
Our Latest Baby Boy, Bandit
ROBERT FROST 1874-1963
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