Phil's Home Made Angst
a.k.a. Custom Figure Gallery
Hey, welcome to my page. Here, you'll find home made remedies to toy companies that slack off once in awhile, so I basically take law into my hands and make my own figures
For my figures I use Acrylic paints, sealer, and depending on the project, Primer. For adding on stuff, I usually use Premo Sculpy or Epoxy putty. I've been experimenting with DAS Pronto, but it's not my bag.
Now, since that's out of the way, on to the figures.
DC Comics
Clay Face
I've always liked Clay Face, but he's had shoddy action figure representations over the years. He was made from a Savage Land Wolverine completely covered in DAS Pronto (which I will never use again)
Black Manta
When I was a wee little lad, this guy was my favorite character on Super Friends. He is just a Razor Skate Robin with alot of clay.
Nightwing 2
I had an extra North Star and he is screaming to be made into Nightwing or Captain Atom. I went with Nightwing because, as of now, that's the only comic book I have been buying that isn't TPB.
Hawkman was some thing easy. I cut off the long hair, gave him new arms via Mummie's Alive ES Trooper, cut off the knife, and gave him a black wash.
Booster Gold
Booster has a lot of customes, so I had to have a little creative freedom on him. Booster here was made from a Quicksilver body and legs, with a X-Men "Secret Weapons Force" or some such Cyclops head and arms (who originally belong to Meanstreak), with a little clay to the chest.
Batman was getting lonely :). He was made from an Iceboard Robin from the B&R line with clay to the head and repainted. I just wanted something easy, and well, this was it
One of my favorite Golden Age characters. He was made from a Total Justice Superman body with the hands and upper head of a TJ Hawkman. The mug is a Mummie's Alive Evil Trooper. This is one of my favorite figures I have done in a long time.
Scare Crow
He was made for the TJ Legion of Doom group project Kapoo is hosting. Made from scratch. A better scan in on the way
Dark Knight Returns Joker
I've always liked the suit Miller put him in during that story line. Made from a NASCAR driver I found at Pic-N-Save for a $1.99. A taller one made from a Mulder (X-Files line) is being planned to fit better with the Batman I'm working on.
Coming soon...
Famous Covers Evil Dead Ash
In the Works...
Blue Beetle
Kyle Rayner GL
Guy Gardner GL
Alan Scott GL
Silver Age Aquaman
Cap'n Atom
Dark Knight Returns Batman
On the Horizon...
Mr Freeze
Gorilla Grodd
Hal Jordan GL
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