Welcome to Leah's Home Page!
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One of my favourite things is music! I am a singer / songwriter. I also play acoustic guitar, electric bass, and I am learning piano and harp.

One of my newest hobbies is embroidery. I started about a year ago and have gone a bit crazy. Really...ask anyone!

Considering that for a living I am a self-employed Graphic Artist, I had better like art!

In recent years I have discovered sports. Having always been pretty much of an artsy-fartsy, One of my favourite sports is hockey.

Well, with so many interests, I thought I would just list some of the other top subjects. You could always e-mail me to learn more about them.

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For more information or to give me feedback about my page, please contact me at: leah@linkd.net or leah_m@geocities.com

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