
My name is Eric Player and I live in the Greater Los Angeles area. Having been a struggling screenwriter myself, I know the frustration that comes with trying to push your screenplay onto the Hollywood Establishment. I also know that the golden faces most professionals put on hide a quivering need as raw as time itself: GOOD SCRIPTS.

You know the old saying that an actor or writer (or producer) is only as good as their last project? Well, the studios are only as good as their last projects, too. AND THEY LIVE IN FEAR. Fear that they will green-light a real turkey based on "what worked before" that will leave them bankrupt. Fear that what could have happened to the Titanic or Lord of the Rings movie projects will happen to them. Fear that their year will be as bad as, well, 2005.

That's where you come in. The Aspiring Screenwriters Of America. The ones who KNOW you could write better than that old, rotten, cottage cheese rehash of material being bought by the Big Wigs at $800,000 a pop. (O.K., face it. you write cheese, too. But yours is Grade A Pasteurized and fresh, fresh, fresh!) Well guess what? If a good script drops in the lap of a Hollywood exec, most of the time, they WILL buy it. They are in this game to make money, after all. And for all the recent talk about iPods, online delivery, and DVD sales, execs still needs content.

Think you've got what they're looking for? Think you've got THE Next Big Thing because you can tell the story of the Tough Loner better than the next guy? Fine, I hope you do.

I'm here to help. I'm both an Aspiring Screenwriter, and a Professional Screenwriter, too--which means somebody has actually paid me money for my Grade A cheese, but not much--I have the same creative training as most professional readers, and a lot more than some Hollywood Insiders hired straight out of Law School.

* I have a Film Degree
* I've written full length scripts
* I've had, and have an agent
* I've had movie options
* I've produced, directed, and scripted many short films
* I've been in meeting after meeting with both academics and professionals

I know what they are looking for, and I can read any script and know if it has potential. I've already read scripts and treatments for production companies and other fellow screenwriters.

And now I want to read yours.

Time for the disclaimer: Having me read your work does not mean it will be sold or optioned or even read by anyone else.

What it does mean, is that I will give it a read-through and be able to tell you how good it is in my professional screenwriter's opinion. I can tell you what is good, what is awful, what is cliche, and what is outstandingly original. I will give you a 4 to 7 page testimonial to those things, as well as notes directly on the script, with free advice about formatting and spelling.

I'll do all of this for a lot more than some free sites (with--face it--unpublished posers) but less than half of what professional Hollywood readers charge. Again, I can't sell it or pitch it, but I guarantee I'll help you make it better, and I won't steal it.

Interested? Email me at, or call (714) 732-9651.

Resume of experience

Writing and Critiquing Samples

The Deal Outlined

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