i still remember my first night in SoHo...i stumbled in there after leaving sunset strip, in search of a room where more english was spoken...i entered as sullengirl, and i was able to strike up conversation with a girl named Anadine and this strange little blank space...that was one of the most...well..interesting conversations i've ever had, but i'll spare the details for the sake of a private joke...*smirk*...soon i met Bonanza Jellybean (who 'Dinie was always talking about!), who i still remember for her raspberry tarts...a few months passed into late December, when i recall meeting a someone who went by the name sara lee lucas...fascinated by the poetry in this persons words, i introduced myself...months later, you all came to know him as spaceboy...three months ago i would have had a ton of things to say, but at this point i care not to comment much on the situation...
but when i remember january, i think of someone we once knew as Dougie... ..don't forget that dots! the person behind this name is still one of the most important people to me, in SoHo and in real life. he's always been there to help me dream...even though i think sometimes i've caused him so much pain, he's still my pillar...
at this point i could name a thousand names....all of the people i've relied on to hold me up when i felt no urge to keep going... suzan, alex, amber, daniel...there are so many times i've wanted to leave, but i couldn't....laura, kate, em, brandon, and randee...you always bring a smile to my face when i think of you...Joel, my big brother, and Phantom pal...radiant, my partner in crime...Quiet Aran, still the only one who has such an obsession with the Endless....all of my "elders"...(i'm just kidding guys! : ) ....strider, blank, nita, LaC, Jazzy, Lace, Kaddy, all of the old late-night crowd...and well, everyone else....i'll miss you...*sigh* i don't really know what else to say at this point....except, well...get ICQ!! and find me...i'm under the name "bad dream"...and if you can't identify me from that point, guess you're out of luck....
i'll be takingthis page down soon, so make sure to redirect all links, bookmarks, et cetera to the new URL....www.eccentrica.org/sullengirl/...
for a final time,
moving on...bookmark the new site..last chapter