Story Archive

Art Gallery

My Self

Other Links

One thought fills immensity.


Hello, I'm Min and welcome to my home page. I'm back… This new update includes a lot of pictures and paintings. Thanks to geocities for the extra webspace! I'm still working on the new links page (and boy do I have enough links to fill pages…) Once again, thanks for sticking around. Mail me about the new stuff!

...A horse lumbered near.

The birds flew in alarm;

Their dark wings a flurry of

Black brush strokes that blotted the sun...

The 4 links at the side will lead you to my story archive, art gallery, a bio of myself and other links. With studied nonchalance, I've put on display, my literary and artistic achievements in order to entertain your stay here. Just click to customise your humour ingredients. J

Send me mail!

This page is under construction.

It's updated! 29th June 1998

(Quote above from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1792. Poetry excerpt; copyright of Marissa Heng)

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