One day Miss Virginia happened by my office, and I just happened to have my video camera running. It went something like this...
Well, I really like them too, but what I really need you to do, is examine them for me, I think they might have picked up that nasty E-Coli disease. You don't see any on my pretty toes, do you?
Well give me your shoe, Miss Virginia. I will put your pretty high heel under the microscope. This might take some time. In the mean time let's see those pretty toes. My, you've really got pretty feet Miss Virginia. If I was to lay on the floor, how would you position your foot for me to kiss?
Do you mean like this? I would love it if you were to kiss the bottom of my foot and slowly lick the bottom of my toes. You could smother your nose right on the bottom of my foot, if I held it like this. Would you like to do that too?
Of course I would like to do that. Miss Virginia, you've got the prettiet feet I have ever seen.
Would you please look at my other shoe as well. Just to be on the safe side. Let me slip it off of my foot, so I can hand it to you.
Oh this is GREAT Miss Virginia, I have both of your lovely high heels, & I can sit and gaze at your pretty stocking feet.
I love the way you just stand there, Miss Virginia, I really would love to rub and kiss your stocking feet. It really drives me CRAZY looking at your feet!
Your shoes smell and feel soooo good. I am rock hard, just holding them and smelling them. Well, I hate to do it, Miss Virginia, but I have to give your shoes back, so I can watch you slip them back on your beautiful stocking feet.
I don't know what I love more, looking at your pretty stocking feet, or looking at your sexy high heel shoes. Either way, Miss Virginia, I love the view. I'd really love it, if you let me kiss your pretty feet, Miss Virginia Thank you for checking my shoes for me, I hope you will come back to my office later & rub my feet. I'm sure they will really be ready for that by then. You know, I'll be there. I love massaging your feet. Thank you, Miss Virginia! Thank you.
If you want to tell Miss Virginia how pretty her feet are, drop me a line. © 1997
I'm going to bring my camera to work next week & see if I can get Miss Virginia to let me video tape me massaging her feet. So if I were you, I would check my page later on.
Miss Virginia
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