Welcome To My Home Page!
Precious friends from the Mining Co. I love serving my God Jehovah. That includes {For those of you who are unfamiliar with the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses} helping people come to an accurate knowledge of our loving Creator and His purposes. Our beliefs as Jehovah's Witnesses are explained thoroughly at the official site of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you'd like to know more, please feel free to visit the OFFICIAL SITE
Apart from that, I enjoy writing, and reading. I love corresponding with people. I write poetry. { Whether it's good or not is subject to opinion and taste } I write songs ~ which brings me to my next interest ~ singing. I love to sing. I'm learning to play guitar now. I enjoy all sorts of music. {With the exception of heavy metal, and most rap} I love to read. Primarily, I enjoy excavating facts from the different translations of the Bible. I also like to read the Classical Literature ~ You know ~ Shakespeare and Dickens, and the like. I love to study. Particularly, I love to study new languages. Currently I speak both English and French, and I am in the process of learning Spanish and American Sign Language. I have been attempting to learn Swedish with extremely limited success. {hehe} And, apparent or not, I'm struggling with the language of HTML. I'm told it's fairly simple. That's scarey stuff. I'd really hate to see hard! I also love to draw. My specialty is pencil sketch portraits. I love the outdoors. I love sports. I'm perfectly awful at most of them, but I do love them. I like baseball. I like hockey. Volleyball is O.K. {Unless it's on the beach, then it's perfect! } I love long walks just to enjoy the sunshine with no particular place to go. I love little people...And big people. I love to dance. I love life. I love the sun and the sea. And I love to use the word love! {haha}
I truly hope that you have enjoyed your visit to my little spot...be it ever so brief. Let me know you dropped by. I'd really love to hear from you ~ Especially if any of my brothers and sisters out there are looking for a pen~pal. I'm the gal! I promise I'll write back.
Here's my e-mail address: la_querida@hotmail.com
Here are some of my favorite links in case you're interested. If you're a language buff like I am, then you'll love this one...It's a language translator! And I just found this really amazing link which would be perfect for anyone who would like to learn ANY new language! It's called the "Human Languages Page" It has pages and pages of online dictionaries, and translators and language lessons for any language you could possibly imagine! It happens to be my all time favorite...for the moment! If your passion is Shakespeare, then this is the place for you. Here's a great page with all sorts of links to other brothers and sisters. It's called the JW Pocket Guide. Need an english dictionary? Or a thesaurus ? Or maybe an encyclopedia? Here's one I found too that finds the map you're looking for..it's called mapquest. I hope you like these. I'll be adding more in the near future, and if you'd like your page linked to mine...Let me know.Hello, Bonjour, Y Hola. Welcome, welcome, welcome to my little corner of the "web". Allow me to introduce myself... My name is Lorraine Bertin, and I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am 27 years old and I am one of 22 publishers in our small, but energetic, and very loving Congregation. We also have three regular pioneers. I was baptised in 1991. I have three wonderful children. All boys! My eldest son, Jonathan, is 8 years old, and he's been an unbaptised publisher since April of "96". My second son, Joshua, is 6 years old. And last, but most certainly not least is my youngest son, Joel, who's all of 5 years old. They've given me ample reason to say ~ I adore being a mom! {They've managed to give me a reason or two to say otherwise too, haha, but not often} Here's a picture of us . And here is a more recent picture of the boys . This is a picture of me with my Love. And here is another of him and I
Moms and dads, if you click on kitty, she'll show you a clean web connection for your little ones. {I still wouldn't leave them to roam unsupervised though...We just never know!}
And if you like, keroke will be happy to show you another! This one is for littler littles though! hehe {Up to 6 yrs.}
Folks, I want to start a kids artwork page... Do you have a creative little person? {What a question! What little person isn't creative??} I'd love to have some little people pictures to start my page... hehe. Probably I'll get it started with my own boys' artwork. I'm looking for pictures. Just haul out the crayons, let them get creative, scan and send!!! I can't wait to see them. I promise... all pictures sent will go on the page... ummm, hehe, No superheroes though please or unsuitable matter.
You're the person who's come to visit! Please come back again since I'll be continually adding new things and links. I'm also putting my page together in spanish. It shouldn't be long!
My Art Studio is now open!!! I'm still adding my portraits one by one, so please come back from time to time to see the new additions. Bare in mind that the resolution may not be perfect. {They don't call JPEGs "lossy files" for nothing!} Well, friends, come on in
Stop again!! hehe.
Here's that really creative homepage of my bestest friend in the whole wide Truth that I promised you. This is her ~ Hehe. If you ask her nicely, she'll take you to her site. Just kidding... all you have to do is click! She's still in the process of putting together the links and the finishing touches to her masterpiece, but it still would be worth it to take a peek. I might also suggest waiting the moment or two that it takes for the pictures to load... hehe... they're worth it! Enjoy!!
And do you have the soul of a Troubador?? Please feel free to visit...and contribute to my Poetry Page...
Oh Don't go without signing my Guestbook!