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This is the Quester's own personal introduction to page 2 which shows how to become a Courier. Then visit his Art Gallery addition to his Quester Territories web sites.

Free tips for those interested in things simple and beautiful.
First tip.... buy low and don't sell...
Second tip... Mind your mother and take deep breaths and lots of vitamin E for what may be an El Nino year. Then look at nature's artwork all around you.

You missed going to page 2. Click here for a report on how to become a courier.



Seekers Are Always After The True And The Beautiful. Life is a challenging quest.

Who Best Knows What Is True And What Is Beautiful? That Is What We Must All Discover For Ourselves. We are all questers slaying our dragons of DOUBT and looking for the treasures that have eluded us in our daily business of making life work.

The artist called Quester is really George J. Beimers, a former Arizona educator who taught high school and college classes in The Old Pueblo more years than will be admitted. He will be your host as you glance through the three gallery rooms holding some of his favorite works (many of which are no longer in his possession).

As you travel through the rooms, all pictures throughout the galleries will be clickable in the same fashion as was just demonstrated.

I have finally published two new books that are now available on the net. They are being offered to several movie studios in an open auction for the screenplay rights. Hey, a fellow can dream can't he?

Gift From The Gods Additional Gifts From The Gods

Click on these links and leave this site for 1stbooks.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now!

Hey, we sent out invitations to accept complimentary copies to 23 of the best movie directors in Hollywood. The only one who actually seemed to have read our letter was.......... That's right, Michael Douglas. Always liked that fellow, and he personally signed his picture. His "The Jewel Of The Nile" was my kind of adventure quest.

Quester's Gift From The GodsA rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning. (These are first looks at some chapters during publication)
Click here for extracts from a novel containing much about the Atlantis myth and the characters found in Greek mythology. The book is called "Gift From The Gods".
Quester's SouthSea Island Territories. A novel approach to a SouthSea's love story.
Click here for Free Clues to your personality using Western astrology and Sun Signs.

Click here for an Oriental key to your animal sign using Asian astrology to see into your personality.
Click here to go forward to a Quester's search for the missing Marilyn Monroe diary. Was there one? Is it true she collected dumb blonde jokes? Find out for yourself.
Click herefor Quester's own joke gallery and humor corner taken from chatrooms on the Internet of the WWW. This is where both PLAYBOY AND PENTHOUSE get their jokes.

Click here for Quester's Marina page. Every have a hankering to own a yacht? Well this site explains a lot about what happens when you buy a steel cutter (ocean-going sailboat) that just might take a bucket of money before you sail off into the sunset. We lived on ours for 9 1/2years before we bought a beach house and beached ourselves. Finally sold the boat and cried to see it go. Just don't forget to bookmark this site and come back. After all you haven't seen the gallery yet.

Now there's an idea for you. Why not retire from the bad life and start the good. Move on to an ocean going steel cutter and sail off into the sunset finding what you've been looking for all your life. I've got just the ticket for you. Go there and see for yourself. This may be the very idea you've been trying to forget.

Click here to go forward to a young person's story that again is great reading. This is another book length story by Siang Ying and Quester describing a young Chinese girl growing up so shy in school she doesn't talk. How does a young girl solve her problems? Don't miss how this all takes place.

Here is one last chance for you to explore through pictures the dock area and see The Rose Of Jericho. Just click


Go do it!

Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying (Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.

Click here

Click on the banner above for page 2 and the information on overseas round-trip airline fares for 1/2 price or less.

Quester's Territories: Personal Picture Gallery. The inside story: Life and times of a Quester.

Quester's Beach House This is where you can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.

CLICK HERE Want to see a review or two of good books about UFOs and their coverup and how you can have them for little money?

Click here for the best sandcastle pictures taken this year at the Port Aransas sandcastle contest. Talk about good sculpting! This year it was great!

Or if that doesn't please you, isn't it time to visit Quester's Art Gallery and see if he is an actual painter and artist or merely a PRETENDER! Time to go there


for ROOM ONE of Quester's Art Gallery.

Click here for ROOM TWO of Quester's Art Gallery. (But you'll be sorry you missed the first gallery!)

Click here for ROOM THREE of Quester's Art Gallery. (You'll really be sorry if you miss the first two galleries. Good paintings there.)

Click here for ROOM FOUR of Quester's Art Gallery. (You'll really be sorry if you miss the first three galleries. Good paintings there.)

Click here for ROOM FIVE of Quester's Art Gallery. (You'll really be sorry if you miss the first four galleries. Good paintings there.)

Click here for ROOM SIX of Quester's Art Gallery. (You'll really be sorry if you miss the this gallery. Good books listed there.)

Click here for ROOM SEVEN of Quester's Art Gallery. (You'll really be sorry if you miss this gallery. Good art books listed as well as on pages 9 and 10.)

Click here. Your host when he first started painting.

And finally, if you want to find out more about the direction art is taking in the U.S. today, you should enjoy our book store annex. We are proud to be affiliated with the largest bookstore on the Internet. Being Associated Members of Amazon.com, we have access to the latest editions coming out from the publishers. Merely click on


to go there now.
We are Associated Members of Amazon Books meaning you can order from this site any book in print that you may want. Just put the title into the search below. Try typing in Beimers for instance to get our book listing. That's right we have our own book listed with Amazon.com. It is a book of classical Chinese stories. Do it. Type in Out Of The Mouth Of a Chinese Dragon or Beimers and check us out.

Don't forget to visit our Atlantis Bookstore.We are now Associated Members of the largest Internet book store in the world. Check out our dozens of books on ArtCLICKING HERE.

©Copyright 2006 Beimers To make comments put "No Joke" in subject line and Mailto:quester@lycos.com">

I am a member of...The HTML Writers Guild

These are the people who have visited our site since its inception October 6, 1997. Welcome to my special friends from the various newsgroups on the web who know me as Quester!

When was the last time we updated this site? January 28, 2006-- that's when.

I just finished another book and finally got it published. Here is the cover I did and am rather proud of. Yes, February 2004 has come and the book is ready to order. Go to 1stbooks.com and type in the title.
Click HEREto make the picture bigger.
The book is about a love affair between a KGB officer and a Buryat shamaness while he is busy building a secret spy training facility in Siberia.

CLICK Here to read a synopsis of the book called Russia's Little America.

Or... you could click HERE and type in Beimers for author and/or Russia's Little America for title and order yourself a copy. That would be good.

Russia's Little America is also being carried by amazon.com and they now have amazon.com order houses in Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Mexico, Austria, and Japan so the book may be ordered in those countries quite easily. It is also being carried by barnesnoble.com and I'm working on Wal-mart as well.

You missed going to page 2. Click here for ROOM ONE of Quester's Art Gallery.


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