An Imp-ortantly Imp-ish Domain!
Imp-possibly Cute!
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Hello there!
Sometimes life just seems to get in the way, doesn't it?
Well, I am still thinking up some new stuff for you to do while I buzz around in my own little world.  :o)
I have put up a picture  of my BowWow Puppy Pin ...Hot Dogs! And you can even take a chance on receiving a free pattern of your very own BowWow.  I am becoming a real techie huh?  ;O) I have still been working on a new doll design.It is a fantasy creature. But it's taking ages because I am joining swaps and making all kinds of things and playing with my new grandchildren  but when I get around to it you will love it. I have already designed a pattern for an Imp. You know a very mischievious creature, but cute too. I am a doll fanatic! I collect fabric, catalogs, patterns and all kinds of doll related stuff! It's crazy around here with so many kinds of things laying around. Looks like a factory!  Ta, for now!
Imp Designs: From my very own little impish head!   One of a kind cloth doll designs.
FREE:Doll eyelash directions
Chance to get a free BowWow Puppy Pattern
Impish Egg-pectationsImp's FREE Egg Pattern
Imp :o)
© 1997
Belly Dancing Egger!  Very Chick !
Please do not use my images I worked hard with a mouse to produce them and I would rather not see them copied. Thanks :o)
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