Welcome to the Web Site of Rogerdidit!

It is

In Dallas Texas!


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I have several things to offer you here!

Art, Music,Stories, and Links that will keep you busy for days!

And now:

ICQ Help!



Page the Site Owner

EmailExpress the Site Owner

Page an ICQ User
ICQ Help!


The Following Links will take you to many other parts of the Internet that will entertain you for hours! Some of them will take you to works of my own, and some of them will take you to works of hundreds of other people! In either case, enjoy and share what you see with others! After all... the Internet is a Major sharing effort! If you see anything that belongs to someone other than the Author, then let me know! I will remove it immediately!


Parade of Nations! Updated 11/28/97

The Rogerdidit Group!

Visitors Since 05/25/97


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This is not a broken link, but is the background sound generator for Netscape! If you are using MS Internet Explorer you will still hear the Music!



The Author is a Member of The HTML Writers Guild
Last Updated 2/15/98 © Rogerdidit 1997