
Hello. I hope to be making some major changes in my site. It's been far too long since I've updated it. Please email me with your comments about it or with any suggestions that you think might be nice.

The link for the Troll Collection is not working.

The Royal Treasury

Some favorite items from The Royal Treasury include:

My Beloved Giraffe
Thank you, Friends.

A Psychedelic Eye
with the original box and insert.

Vending Machine

The Most Royal Hallway

In 1996, The PEZ Royal Advisor, Louis Apoldo, and I held a contest for the PEZ Multi-National Anthem. These are the winning entries:

The Pezzing Queen

The Significant Other's Lament

My Other Collections

Alligator Handbags

60's Trolls

Collect PEZ, Alligator Bags or Original Trolls? Drop me a line:


Long Live PEZLand !

Cyberhugs to Drew Becker
for his assistance in creating this page.

This page last updated on March 9, 2004.

Please do not copy any text or images from this site without permission.


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