
LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Welcome to my
"Home on the Web!"

Come away with me to faraway places, times and space!

Let your imagination—SOAR...
through the drawings, paintings, photography,
poetry and prose on my pages!

A thumbnail picture of one of my art works is shown to the left. It is a rendition of a Northwest Coast Native American tale of how Raven brought the Haida people into the world. To see a larger version of the drawing and to find out more about the story, click on the next line of text.

The thumbnail sketch to the left shows an abstract acrylic painting which I call "Crossings and Partings." I wrote a little poem to explain something about what I was feeling as I painted it. To see a larger version of the drawing and read the poem, click on the text below.

I am currently "remodeling" my pages,
so if you find a link which does not work,
please contact me at the e-mail address below.
Thanks for your patience!

Click below to see more pages of my poetry and prose!

Poetry and Prose

    If you enjoy learning new words, try this site: A.Word.A.Day

      You'll find otherFlights of Fancy in the sections listed at the bottom of the page.

    More of my original art works, as well as those of other artists in our group, can be found on the Home Page of the

    Killeen Civic Art Guild

    in the Killeen Mall Gallery section. The art guild pages were designed by my friend, Linda Horns-McMurray.

    You are visitor
    since September 10, 1997

Send your comments or suggestions to me at

•••Flight to Kauai, Page 1••• Flight to Kauai, Page 2•••
•••A Little About Me•••
•••My Family (under construction)•••