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This page will focus mostly on poetry but it will also include info on some of my favorite sports, music, and other personal intrests.
When you are done viewing my page please:
The high school factory
constantly churns out
it's drab automatons, beaten
into submission
by taunting classmates
and know-it-all
Those that are
too tall
too short
too fat
too skinny
too smart
too dumb
are cast off the assembly line
and left in the
to collect dust.
-Andy Loviska
To see more of my poems clickhere
Messages to John Doe (Gripe poems)
To see poems by other people clickhere
(URGENT: I need poems to put on this page. PLEASE send me poems.)
To see poems by my friends clickhere
I am lucky enough to live in Seattle, the greatest city in the world (at least as far as music is concerned.) I myself play the bass guitar in an alt-rock band called CONIPTION.
To see info and pictures of some of my favorite bands click here

Go to the official Coniption website
Go to

The Biggest Music Store on the Web.
Do You Need Direction in Your Life?
My Personal Stuff
My Pictures
Phil's page-He's got stuff on everything. Poetry, Hackz, Chat room, and a Nirvana tribute page.
1000's of Hot Pics

The best comic strip in the world!!
Chris's Page-He doesn't want me to tell you what's on it.
The Barney Buster-Fun for anyone who hates Barney!
www.biteme.com www.goddamn.com- Some of the coolest URL's I've ever seen.

The official web site of the best TV show in the world.
The Official Seattle Mariners Homepage-My home team (GO M's!!!!!)
And Now, the $600,000 Question!!!!!
Q. Do you really think I'll give you $600,000 if you answer this question right??
Backgrounds supplied by Jay Lichtman. Thanks Jay!!
Other backgrounds provided by Jezebel. Thanks Jez!!

If you have any comments or want to submit a poem to be published on this page please e-mail me at SOCRRULZ36@aol.com
or ROCKBOT4000@hotmail.com
Please come back soon and visit me.
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lucky person to visit this page since 11/20/97.
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