updated September 30, 2000

Most people know that my Oz stories aren't available on-line, nor am I interested in having them archived anywhere on-line (since it was basically my experience in that particular branch of fandom that pushed me to stop posting - NOT writing, since I am still writing. . .). However, as I said, I am still writing, and I've written some more Oz fic (still love the show, it wasn't the show's fault, the show totally rocks), and basically have decided to offer a print 'zine of the stories, some old and some new, for, say, postage costs. So, if you're interested, drop me an e-mail and I'll let you know what's what.

(I am assuming that anyone even comes here anymore, I don't know why, it isn't like this is party central or anything.)

Waiting for a few more stories to drop into archives at this point; otherwise, no new updates web-wise.

For a lesson in the importance of focusing your anger, you simply must read the review on Mighty Big TV of the Oz ep "A Word to the Wise", specifically the part where the reviewer suggests Keller taking his anger out on a helpless cheese sandwich might not be the best way to go. Don't drink anything while you read it, though. As a matter of fact, if you've had anything to drink in the past six hours, you'd probably better go to the bathroom first, or else you'll just pee yourself, and don't tell me I didn't warn you.

Stories by "Mona":

Sept'99-Aug'00: by date or by fandom. updated Sept 13/00

Apr'97-Aug'99: here. updated Sept 13/00

slash writers survey

the slash writers survey is a friendly, long (55-question) survey open to any slash writer who is interested in sharing their opinions on slash.

The banners for the survey are now available exclusively on the main survey page.

completed surveys are available here: survey index updated August 20, 2000

love heals

I'm keeping this up mostly for my own use, but also because it's for charity. I want to thank everyone who shopped through my affiliate stores; I'm expecting cheques from a couple of different places that should put my donation to the Canadian Cancer Society well over $100. I thank you in my mother's name; and if you want, please keep using the sites listed at Love Heals.

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