Ancient artifacts. Periods we now imagine offered a life simpler and more meaningful than our own. Longing for a time when what people made had a secure place in their daily lives. Rebelling against reductive purism, rejecting emphasis on form or image alone.A need for mythical and ritual content related to nature and to the origins of life. A need for art to be useful. And a need for the useful to be rich in content. This is an introduction to novembergrass home page.


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Talent is a long patience - it involves looking at everything one wants to describe long enough, and attentively enough, to find in it some aspect that no one has yet seen or expressed. Everything contains some element of the unexplored because we are accustomed to using our eyes only with the memory of what people before us have thought about the object we are looking at. The least thing has a bit of the unknown in it. Let us find this. In order to describe a fire burning or a tree in the field, let us stand in front of that fire or that tree until they no longer look to us like any other fire or any other tree. This is how one becomes original.

-Guy De Maupassant


green leaves gold shell blue water
the abyss
abuse of frames game