Greetings - My name is L.M. Gottschalk. Well, actually, it is not really - I have appropriated this alias from that great original American composer of the 19th century. The real Gottschalk - who also went under the pen-name of Seven Octaves and dedicated works to himself through it! - was a brilliant pianist often compared favourably with Sigismund Thalberg, Frederick Chopin and Franz Liszt. Gottschalk's compositional style was very much like his performing one - rhapsodic, syncopated, exquisitely melodic, voluptuous, and often exotic and dreamy. He conjured up fantasy worlds of Creole splendour in the salons of 19th century Paris.
After reading this little history lesson you might think that this page will be dedicated to that adorable composer. I am afraid to say that this isn't so - at least, not at the moment. This page will really host an art gallery of paintings which I hold in similar esteem to Gottschalk's compositions.
You can sample two of these paintings, by the English classicist Edwin Long by clicking here and also here.
If these paintings meet with your approval, then I would humbly ask you to bookmark this fledgling site and spare it some thought when thinking of matters artistic. Because I promise you that these are but two examples of literally hundreds of high quality paintings & sculptures I have on my hard-drive and awaiting uploading to the internet. Broadly speaking, my interests include:
Classical music, fine art, poetry, literature, science fiction, fantasy, philosophy, comedy..

In the area of 'classical music', my favourite composers are: Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, Liszt, Gottschalk, Anton Rubinstein, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Grieg, Schumann, Brahms, Giorgio Pacchioni, Moskowsky, Godowsky, Paderewski, Scriabin, and others.

The description of my page is:
Pre-20th century art work.
Contemporary realist art.
Poetry & Stories.

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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