Facts we all should know
My interests are:
masturbation, punk rock, and your mother on my lap bouncing up and down, very, very slowly.
here are some pictures of those cute little boys, the Antagonists!
The Antagonists Bio!
News For 9/30:We have just been informed that our "soon to be bassist" became a fuckin asshole, so our old bassist Johnny Vas is back with us. He is back with his rad arse bass lines and his cute little dances, he makes us giggle like children again, so watch out! He will amaze the eyes once more as he returns to the stage with the Antagonists!News for 6/20: Latest news, the vocalist/guitarest is gay. Sammy Homosexual was recently caught having sweaty smelly nasty sex with an old fat mail man on the corner of Bassett Rd and Ednil Rd. He was put in the womens county prison with no bail, they will be playing many prison shows, so be sure to show up for those, see ya there kids.News for 6/22: Well this isnt exactly news, its more like Sammy's opinion on how things are these days. I (being Sammy Homosexual)feel like these days the new school type of music is making the punk scene come out a little more. I mean I myself dont like that too much, because punk has always been kind of an underground type of thing. Lately I have been seeing a lot of newer punk bands that play crap that people call punk, because its faster or more upbeat than the last band they saw on MTV or heard on the radio. I dont beleive people should call this music "punk rock" just because of it being faster, I beleive "punk rock" is more of rebellion music, or music having to do with going against the rules. These newer "punk" bands singing about love is just bullshit, it is not what punk is really about, and thats not what started it. It's always been a rebellion and always will be, Thank you, Sammy HomosexualNews for 8/19: Well thank you for being so god damn patient, havent told you guys much lately. Our latest news is we have a new bass player named Kevin Brown. The boy is amazing and all, BUT he is going to be in NYC for the first semester in school. Too bad for all you ladie antagonist fans, because this boy is STEEMING HOT! You will all be able to see him as of next semester. I am sorry to do this to you all, but it is not my decision. Thank you for your cooperation ladies and gentilemen. Sammy HomosexualNews for 8/30:Well Ladies and gentilemen, we have a show comming up in about 2 weeks, it's on sunday the 13th of september, it will be held at this shit hole called JCP, in West Park I do beleive, I know I know, you say "But Sammy, this place is shitty, hot, and the owner is a fuckin nut!" BUT it's the only show we've had for a loooong time, and we took it! Thanks, Sammy Homosexual.News For 9/5: Hello Ladies and gentilemen, my fuckin car broke down, and I am pist off, if anyone wants to give me a free van, I will be pleased to take it. Maybe my car will be back up and running, but I am not sure, meaning I have to learn to drive fuckin' stick shift, I am very upset about this. Thank you and goodnight!News for 5/8/99: I am sorry but a long time ago we broke up and it fuckin sucks. Sammy Homo joined a new band called the signoffs and quit the Antagonists. But Lauren and Paul are still going strong without him and they have constructed a new band called the Setbacks. With the help of Petter Ferry Levine from the Underscores on bass the Setbacks are going strong. They have a show on the 13th of June and they are planning to schedule others after that.
email ME or I'll cry like a little girl
Please come back soon and visit me or i'll find you and cum on your forehead.
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I dont know why I am putting this here, but this band is amazing live I must say, and they are all cool guys, give em a hand ladies and Gentilmen, ANTI FLAG!
Here is a picture of the band I most admire for their writing ability and creativeness, RANCID!
This is how many fuckin' losers have been to this page. Pretty impresive isn't it!
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