Welcome. . .
. . .to my personal website.
I'm a free-lance writer who has primarily written for size acceptance and men's magazines: short stories, articles on pop culture, plus the occasional sarcastic rant. A good deal of my most recent prose is currently available on the "Fat Magic" page of Dimensions On-line: some of the fiction is "adult;" all of it is devoted to fat attraction. I've also got a close personal connection to the ongoing romantic serial, "Measure By Measure," which is similarly attached to Dimensions' home page.
My alter ego, Bill Sherman, has written a batch of essays on size acceptance, pop culture, and the occasional current event. Bill can be found at the The Pop Culture Gadabout blog, which also happens to link to my own, sporadically updated weblog.
I'm an avid collector of fat positive stuff: this can include old postcards, pop music (there's lots of R&B music, in particular, devoted to the glories of big beautiful women), ceramics, circus sideshow imagery and the like. Part of this page'll be devoted to some of my favorite fat images.
"Haus O' Fun" is under construction and most likely will perpetually be. As anyone who knows my writing will testify, I'm constantly tweaking myself (some of the stories on "Fat Magic" have multiple permutations). So drop by every once in a while, okay?
Wilson B.
(Site opened on July 28, 1998)