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You have just found your way into the Haven of my Twisted Mind. You poor defenseless things, you. :::evil laughter echos throughout the site:::
Well, I've had this site up for years and I think it's time to revamp the whole thing. So please excuse any odd disembodied links. many things have changed since I started this site but I'd like to keep the basics the same. My love for jokes has not changed and I'm going to make it easier to navigate. I'm taking down the chatroom, since no one uses it and a few changes. let me know if you find anything that needs my attention.
I need more unusual stuff to add to my pages... please someone send me something interesting you want seen here...anything...tell me your favorite page... no one will e-mail me :-(.... oops that looks like drool. Just wonderin', but um what do you people like/dislike... I could change... really... I could. :-)
I'm a joker and kidder. If I'm not smiling something is definately rotten in the state of Denmark. But then again I don't live in Denmark so I wouldn't really know, now would I?
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Send me email or I'll sic Rizuk on you! (my mailbox monster).
© 2004Ema_Blue@yahoo.com
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